Daily Herald Tribune STAFF
August 2009
Grande Prairie, Alberta

PUBLISHER: Ken Keebaugh

RECEPTION: Phyliis Finch

EDITORIAL: Fred Rinne (Editor in Chief), Darrell WInwood, Diana Rinne, Jeanne Gagnon, Crystal Rhyno, Christopher Mills, Remo Zaccagna, Nick Kuhl, Damien Wood.

SPORTS: Terry Farrell, Pete Lucarotti.

ADVERTISING: Doug Hare (Manager) Fern Hickson, Angela Shields, Ken Connors, Melonie Gillis, Tannis Trydal, Diana McConachie, Jane McRae, Karyn Cochrane.

ACCOUNTING: Margaret Steele (Manager), Katie Mah, Jacquelin Allard, Wanda Winsor.

CLASSIFIED: Nancy McArthur (Manager) , Phyllis Finch, Crystal Hodges, Janeen Knapp, Angel Beyer, Darlene Fritz.

READER SALE & SERVICE: Heather LeBritton-Yerxa, Adeline Niyonsaba.

BOWES ON LINE: Rhiannon Keith, Lee Carragher.

COMPOSING: Corrina Darke (manager) Wendy Comeau, Ellen Savoury, Pamela Farber, Vaughn Marillier, Amanda Pizzey, Danita Hickson, Carrie Leaf, Deana Charbonneau, Tanya Huffman, Maggie Caspar, Lisa Hollis, Chrissy Morgan, Roxy Hebert.

PRESS ROOM: Cody Hodges, John Bradley, Ashley Gentles, Daniel Hodges.

DISTRIBUTION: Joanna Beisal (Manager) Lorraine, Mailman, Lillian Heck, Mary Dewhurst, Dianna Shaver, Theresa Nyirabashumba, Miriam Dore, Nida Charest, Sylvia Hovedebo, Shirley Thompson, Connie Sandbe, Yvette Jadlong, Leonila Rollke, WIlliam Holme, Nancy Asequarado, Ranijini Keerthimar, Charlene Chwyl, Osias Diete, Emelie Gabriel-Salacki, Potenciana Guindon, Elvira Nordhagen, Evilin Pelton, Joseph Sollano,Christina Roe, Ginnifer Mira, Gerald Melrose, Imelda Macarine, Christina Limun, Melita Beltran , Bernadita Bancale, Tessie Fermandex.

In 2009 there were a total of 79 staff, and when the Daily Herald Tribune moved away from having their own COMPOSING DEPARTMENT, the majority of composing people were not required. Then a few years later, the paper was printed elsewhere, resulting in eliminated the staff from the PRESS ROOM and DISTRIBUTION.

History of the Daily Herald Tribune featured on one of the most viewed website in northern Alberta and BC DiscoverThePeaceCountry.com